Check out the best plays from Stephen Curry’s fantastic season. Visit for more highlights. About the NBA: The NBA is the premier professional b…
Top 10 NBA Plays: November 8th
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Check out the top 10 plays from November 8th, highlighted by slam dunks by guys named Green. Visit for more highlights. About the NBA: The NBA ...
Andrew Bynum Still In Pain, Should Retire From NBA After Season
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Andrew Bynum no longer enjoys the NBA game, which means he should retire sooner rather than later
Top 5 Plays of the Night: November 4th
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Andre Iguodala serves a sweet dish for the number one play from Tuesday's Top 5. Visit for more highlights. About the NBA: The NBA is the premi...
ACC Soccer Weekly | Virginia Women Finish Regular Season Undefeated | ACCDigitalNetwork
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ACCDN host Lyndsay Rowley recaps the week that was in ACC soccer. The Virginia women finished off their undefeated regular season while the Virginia men beat...
So are you retarded because you cant spell “retarded”.
are you fucking retarted?
The dude under me Is a dumbass
can someone make derrick rose top 10 of 2012-2013 please
steph curry is too much of a boss
Stephen Curry is scary good.
No, he never had full control on of the ball.
How intense is the thumbnail to this video
i think when he said trash at defense he was talking about lin
2:03 travel?
curry-6.1 apg, westbrook-6.9 apg rose-6.8 apg kyrie-5.7 apg
lol wut? He does not suck. Learn how to play.
It is true what you say about premier defenders.. On the other hand Curry does not play above average defence.. But.. He is good at other things..
The few months you have to wait til the next season kills. Next season needs to start now.
He’s not on Golden State for his defense…
go curry!!!!! (:
ur a fag what have u done
trust me he’s crossed star players too
I had to watch #1 again.. Oh god.. Steph the Wiz
He hit Lin and Nash with the same move.. 2k I think we have another signature crossover, please add it.. And what he did to Gary Neal for the #1 play was disgusting! It was mean and Nasty! Steph Curry finna have one hell of a year if he can stay healthy
are you sure your putting the game in right?
-___- hes def an average defender for his position. Above average would be westbrook, chris paul, and rondo. He is not on that level of defense.
Jarrett Jack traveled
Stephen Curry isn’t particularly a favorite of mine but I have to admit that he’s the best pure shooter in the NBA. The peaked Ray Allen was not even a better shooter than Stephen Curry & he cant cross like Curry or steal like him.
At least he made it to the NBA….
119 dislikes from Gary Neal!
He sucks dick in 2k13
Stephen Curry is the future for sure!
2:05 Travel
This nigga straight vomit ha! Yeah I said it VOMIT!
WORLD Prophecy-My Beloved Children! Your OWN lands betrayed you! Satan’s Demonic Fallen Angels. Seed of Cain. Reptilian Shapeshifters & Human CLONES! {Presidents,Govs,Pope,TV-Media,Hinn,Osteens,Cosby,B.Walters,Sports,UN,CFR,etc} ACTORS-Trickery,Illusion,Prosthesis,Make-Up. USA-Evil John F/Jackie Kennedy-NOT DEAD! Pretends as Pres.Jim Carter/Wife. George Bush/Demons respons.NY-9/11 2001.GREAT HORROR,SORROW,DESTRUCTION,DEATH COMING! Warn/Prepare Family! Seek ME.Psalm 91. go Wellaware1dotcom.
yes he can
Where’s the 54 point game against New York
Pffft he can’t dunk
I know Gary Neal feeling some type of way after that last one. GAWD!
haha yeah he did. In real time it was hard to tell if he had possession or not during those stutter steps, but on slow-motion he clearly had the ball in his hand.
steve blake and gary neal arent in their 30s idiot. u look stupid
Steve Blake isn’t over 33 years old
118 people, like curling
Stephen Curry crossed:
-Jefferey Taylor, 24 years old
-Steve Blake, 33 years old
-Jeremy Lin, 24 years old
-Steve Nash, 39 years old
-Derrick Favors, 22 years old
-Gary Neal, 28 years old
-George Hill (not in this video), 27 years old
-Tyler Hansbrough (not in this video), 27 years old
So in reality only 2 of the players were above 33 years old. Please educate yourself about a topic before speaking about it. Stephen Curry is definitely not overrated.
not even my nba 2k13 my player can hit a 4 point play and he hit like 600 threes
you clearly don’t know anything about basketball LOL!
shut up fuckwit
nope he didnt have possession of the ball during those multiple steps until his last two legal steps
he didnt
jeffery taylor is 24 gary neal is 28
Jarrett jack traveled so hard on that play lol but still nice