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  • expertboxing 4 days ago

    It’s also only a very small exhalation needed for each punch, you’re not
    supposed to empty out your entire lungs in one punch.

  • expertboxing 4 days ago

    You don’t need to open your mouth to exhale, the air can escape through
    your teeth, you don’t have to open your mouth and go AHHHH.

  • Tom Jones 4 days ago

    When I’m sparring and hitting the bags do I only exhale out my mouth when I
    punch? Which means I would have to open my mouth with each punch I throw to
    exhale out my mouth right.

  • Solowizard 4 days ago

    LOL! I’m well aware that sparring is the best type of training you can do
    to prepare for a real boxing match, but the Heavy Bag builds punching
    power. Every person I spar with has told me that I have lots of power in my
    jabs. I’ll never stop using the heavy bag as a part of my training. I just
    need to learn how to relax when sparring.

  • expertboxing 4 days ago

    Pretty much everyone has power. Go into any gym and you’ll see power
    punchers everywhere. Even beginners can have relatively good power. What
    sets the power punchers apart from the skilled fighters is the ability to
    deliver the power. Accuracy, speed, timing. Having power is easy, being
    able to hit a moving target while evading shots…that’s the real boxing

  • ABELIOUSS 4 days ago

    Strange same happens to me

  • expertboxing 4 days ago

    This is probably a good indicator that sparring is a better workout for you
    than the heavy bag.

  • expertboxing 4 days ago

    Exhale when you need fast movements. I inhale through the nose and exhale
    through the mouth. You should check out my latest guide on the site–it’s
    about breathing. ;)

  • antaresmajor 4 days ago

    Alot of Everlast mouthpieces have holes in between the top and bottom
    guards that you can exhale thru while keeping your jaw clenched.

  • Serganten1 4 days ago

    Whats your opinion about the way of breathing? Should a boxer breath with
    his “Chest” or “Stomach”. My coach talked about that when I was a beginner,
    dont really remember it though.

  • SanJose12354 4 days ago

    Fosho man i been training for a month i got all that down the one thats
    gona help is the breathing with ur nose i usually breath with my mouth n
    exhail thru nose cant wait to go monday n try that nose technique thanks

  • Sun KiNGGG 4 days ago


  • Serganten1 4 days ago


  • Bagtas03 4 days ago

    sharp exhale through the mouth happen in split second. Also, exhaling
    through the mouth does not mean that you will open your mouth wide. Biting
    the mouth piece softly will do. :) Exhaling sharply through the nose might
    also cause mucus to blow out. that is not a pretty sight. LOL

  • codeman95291 4 days ago

    hey, johnny have you heard of that elevation mask thing that simulates high
    altitude training? i’m going to get one of those.. thos thing will get you
    in great shape fast your lungs have to work 9 times as hard with that thing
    on so when you take it off and workout you’ll have a lot more endurance

  • Your videos are great Johnny. Some of the best instructional boxing videos
    I’ve seen. They’re very easy to understand. You’re teaching the
    fundamentals of boxing and making sure to hit every detail. Thanks!

  • maisetas 4 days ago

    should i exhale or inhale as i dip , slip? and would you prefer to breathe
    through nose only or inhale through nose, exhale through mouth?

  • RaZoR1991BC 4 days ago

    Very useful , thank you alot!

  • codeman95291 4 days ago

    yeah, i’ve heard people online say the samething but i’ve also heard people
    say they’ve seen great results lol i’m gonna give it a whirl

  • YmBridge 4 days ago

    hey jonny, I always thought that exhaling through the mouth when you punch
    was bad as you’ll be in range and your jaw is open rather than clenched
    meaning it#s more likely to get broken? what do you think?

  • expertboxing 4 days ago

    If anything the mouthguard helps me breathe in shorter breaths. If you need
    help breathing with a mouthguard, start wearing it on runs.

  • noobyboxer 4 days ago

    do you inhale and exhale through your nose when your taking a rest? also
    should you keep on exhaling until your punch reaches your opponent (at the
    end of the punch)? or do you exhale at the beginning of a punch? thanks in
    advance :)

  • DAVIDIDIT909 4 days ago

    You look like the Asian guy from Harold and kumar

  • Jake Tyler 4 days ago

    Could you please prove me if im doing it right,when i punch and exhale my
    breath my body helps it exhale faster while im kicking or punching is it

  • Jake Tyler 4 days ago

    and its actually not much of a sh but a thsh to me

  • expertboxing 4 days ago

    Check out my breathing technique for fighters guide on my website. It goes
    much more into detail.

  • expertboxing 4 days ago

    Stomach. It’s easier when you stand with a proper stance. If you hunch over
    too much or do anything awkward with your stance, it easily compresses your
    stomach which forces you to breath with the chest.

  • expertboxing 4 days ago

    I breathe through my nose when I rest. I do only a quick exhale that bursts
    right when my punch is released. My punches are fast so they land almost as
    quickly as they come out so it feels like my exhalation happens right as
    the punch is thrown. If you’re a slower puncher, then try to exhale as the
    punch lands.

  • Solowizard 3 days ago

    The worse part about this advice is that there’s numerous other videos of
    people saying to do the opposite. I saw one video where the guy said you
    must expel all the air in your lungs when you throw, because your natural
    instinct to inhail will automatically kick in. I tried the advice given in
    this video while working the heavy bag, and it seems to work better than
    the other advice. I found that it works better when you are really calm and

  • expertboxing 3 days ago

    Exhaling through the mouth is standard practice. Your mouth should NEVER be
    open in boxing. Keep your mouth closed at all times whether inhaling or

  • expertboxing 3 days ago

    Always exhale a short explosive breath with every explosive movement.

  • Solowizard 3 days ago

    AGREE 100% I can go 15 three minute rounds with 30 seconds rest in between
    each round while on the heavy bag, but when I spar, I’m dangerously
    exhausted by the end of the second round. This is the reason I never spar
    in the same gym I work out at and vise versa. It’s too embarrassing, I
    don’t even want to tell the head coach. I’m certain it’s a mental thing and
    will eventually go away the more I spar.

  • Kieran m 3 days ago

    Best boxing channel on the internet

  • Starvingdead7 3 days ago

    Thanks dude this really helps

  • ionut pocnet 3 days ago

    I was just wondering witch is better…

  • JC MMA 3 days ago

    It’s more of a mental thing than anything but I feel like it’s been helping
    me out with my stamina. Just thought I’d give my 2 cents