Basketball Move: Supe performs a jab step between the legs dribble (from the outside) followed by an Iverson Crossover dribble to…
Seth’s Superlatives: 2013 College Basketball Yearbook
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Which player should get voted most likely to succeed after his basketball career? Seth Davis recaps the season and reveals his picks including 'class clown' and 'cutest couple.'
Paralympics 2012: Wheelchair Basketball
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On the eve of the opening ceremony of the Paralympic games, the Wheelchair Basketball players from Team USA and Team GB took part in a warm up scrimmage at t...
autistic basketball player (Jason McElwain)
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an autistic player who scores like crazy.
Sick crossover im trying to do it now
Thanks for the kind words. Let me know how it goes!
Hey sup could you post the video’s sountrack? i liked that song
greetings from brazil
awesome man
2 comment I so special
They call me… no handles.
how do we define lifting…
whats that song at the end of the video?
Nice moves but guy played good defense too
Nice man
stealing my move I see haha
that guy actually stayed with you pretty well
buying your dvds for my son he is only 9 months but I want him to pick up basketball quick and ima learn a few new crossovers for my self so I can break few at the rec league ..supe you are 2 sick with it
that is sick!!
Nice love it… very effective in gettimg some space and attacking to the rim nice vid bro
Ima use it
that was a nice move… ima have to add that to my arsenal
if only he was taller…………