Added by on December 28, 2013 See Full Vid on FB(A Million Styles Boxing) or Vimeo “Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 197…

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  • Barry Robinson 1 month ago

    I am fighting a losing effort. 1 out of 25 comments are intelligent. No
    matter how much info is out there. Really some people would not watch my
    videos. There are plenty of channels where you can talk all the stupid,
    mindless shit you want.

  • superbthesonofman 1 month ago

    Love the vids bro

  • Patrick Allen 1 month ago

    Maybe he just wasn’t that sharp fight night, thinking about the afterparty
    before he won. Post fight he did say he still was gonna party. Just
    couldnt wait or something. Rude awakening… you could see it in his face.
    Always B #! Floyd is.

  • Neferirkare Ray 1 month ago

    If you go to the Demarco fight Broner control the fight behind his Jab and
    fought tall. He could have fought the same fight, and easily won this
    fight, but he had more respect for Demarco. He thought Maidana was going to
    be a walk in the park. If he would have stayed behind the jab, and kept
    Maidana going backwards by walking him down with responsible defense it
    would have been easy money.People say he couldn’t walk Maidana before this
    fight not true, that was his ticket. He has the power in combinations to
    make that steak tender as he said, but didn’t stick with the plan. Where
    was his solid body attack up, and downstairs combo? Maidana down nothing to
    nullify those skills he did himself the knocked played on his ego until he
    became another person.

  • Neferirkare Ray 1 month ago

    He had know respect for Maidana, and after the knocked down his whole
    Mentality changed he was embarrassed, and it became a ego fight that I’m
    stronger. That is why he was taking unnecessary punches.

  • xXTitoman66Xx 1 month ago

    Thank you Barry. This is like a gift.

  • Matthew Fairley 1 month ago


  • Richard Glenn 1 month ago

    It’s not wat they did Gud in a fight it’s wat U did wrong ….. Barry u
    rite u braking this fight dwn 2 the T

  • C_Mack 1 month ago

    i think the inconsistency of broner came from the arkwardness of maidana.
    maidana throws most of his punches with a loop. broner was looking a little
    confused with some maidana’s repertoire. i thought broner should of used
    more of his footwork keeping him in the center of the ring and make maidana
    chase him for the whole fight imo 

  • george smith 1 month ago

    Where does this inconsistency come from? Is it training? Is it life style
    with focusing on things outside the ring that affects you inside and we all
    know that can happen in any arena in life? Is it because he got hurt early
    and it through him off? Is it maidana’s style?
    Why wouldn’t broner be first with the jab to the body and up top? Why was
    broner not fainting or changing head slots and giving maidana something to
    think about before they ever engaged? Why was he pulling straight out with
    his hands down? Why was he not rolling the right hand?

    Why was he inconsistent with letting his shot go in between? Why did it
    look like he didn’t understand when to switch between boxing and walking
    maidana down?

    Was broner to inexperienced to fight this style of fighter at this weight
    at this time? Why didn’t broner display a pull counter? Did he not know how
    to make the adjustments early and be Consistent throughout the rest of the
    fight? Was broner trusting his power to change the course of the fight?
    I have a million questions about this fight! You can have all the talent in
    the world but your decisions under the lights is what it comes down to.
    That’s in life period.

  • MrWarmanG 1 month ago

    Great breakdown was really a weird fight broner showed skills that he
    couldve used all fight but it was like he wasnt there mentally even befire
    the kncokdown the clowning and then after the knock down he wanted to be
    the tough guy I wanna know what the game plan actually was tht night

  • pjean77 1 month ago

    Thank you so much Barry for taking the time to break down these fights with
    pure intellect.. giving us a new view on the martial art of boxing. We
    appreciate all you have done Barry.sincerely. pjean.

  • 2legit2quitz 1 month ago

    the main reason why Broner couldn’t focus is because he underestimated
    Maidana’s power at Welterweight, but Broner did a great job sucking in that
    stomach the whole night. Lastly, it’s a good thing Broner chews gum ALL
    THE TIME for developing jaw muscles or else the first knock down would’ve
    ended in a TKO

  • Daniel Paolo de Venecia 1 month ago

    He just made a lot of bad decisions that night, hope he learns from that
    loss and bounces back. He still young I’m sure he would… thank you for
    the videos sir barry from a fan here in the philippines

  • BottledChi 1 month ago

    You’re right about his inconsistencies I just still am not sold on his
    footwork. The foot work is the MOST inconsistent thing, I may be wrong but
    I think if he moved his feet he could get away from that overhang right
    when he can’t catch or roll it. He had some crisp techniques but I feel
    like that’s ALL science. I feel like he needs some soul in his style, some
    spirit, something that is always a part of him. He has to put his very soul
    into his fists. He may do that to you, but his punches have no resonance in
    my eyes. Just crisp and beautiful technique. 

  • Champ585up 1 month ago

    at 6:46 the ref grabs adrien broners hand and pulls him, which is why
    adrien broner turned his back, thinking it was a break

  • jrocthadino 1 month ago

    5:44 I think that if Broner did not insist on holding Maidana`s right arm,
    he would have been in a better position to defend those lefts. Kinda
    reminds me of Berto`s defense against Guerrero.

  • gragrn 1 month ago

    Maidana’s performance reminded me of Jeff Fenech, who dominated the
    bantamweight, superbantamweight and featherweight divisions from 1985 to
    1992. Jeff would stay on his opponants chest and not give them a chance to
    breath, let alone use their skills and defeated some of the greatest
    fighters of all time. He only lost after he was robbed of a clear decision
    over Azumah Nelson, he not only beat Azumah, he beat Azumah up and they
    called it a draw. That broke his heart and he was never the same again.
    Hopefully Maidana won’t suffer the same fate.

  • SkillzUnknown 1 month ago

    Merry Christmas Barry, thank you for giving the gift of knowledge, I’ve
    learned a lot about boxing from you. Stay blessed in the new year.

  • TheCoinmen 1 month ago

    Can’t fight at 145, no power.

  • jmere 1 month ago

    great video. one thing i can say is that these inconsistencies may just be
    who broner and not random or easily fixable. Hes had problems before
    earlier in his career against ponce de leon, fernando quintero and even
    Pauli Malignaggi, Maybe this just is who broner is and we should come to
    expect this. He could be like Zab Judah who had all the talent and
    potential in the world,cut could never perform to his full capabilities

  • SANTANA COMPTON 1 month ago

    Broner never recovered the whole fight until end , he was hurt from early

  • mike tyzon 1 month ago

    nigga u talk to much..z.z.z.z

  • larkhallman 1 month ago

    Most people dont know boxing when they say Paulie beat Broner

  • Kopend09 1 month ago

    Thanks for the knowledge, keep up the good work

  • mexrider1 1 month ago

    great analysis. merry christmas

  • off subject but on topic..Ali was fantastic at showing one angle, changing
    direction and firing a right hand over the guard of his opponent in their
    recovery/reaction to his angle change..

    Rigondeaux does that very masterfully as noted

  • SANTANA COMPTON 1 month ago

    I think robert guerro would have fought the same fight as maidana 

  • zatoichiable . 1 month ago

    Hes just an overyped boxer willing to play the act set up by the industry.
    This is hollywood for boxing. Danny Garcia is a better boxer but couldnt
    play the act.

  • larkhallman 1 month ago

    Hopkins had it right when he said ” A talented fighter got beat by a less
    talented fighter”….Broner is a enigma, he has so much talent, but he is
    not focused 100% of boxing, so much distractions outside the ring, and at
    this Elite level, this is what happens, ….

  • Once again brother Barry i am a huge proponent of mental acuity, toughness,
    alacrity, sagacious discipline and Broner the highly skilled boxer he is,
    showed no discipline. As you have mentioned, this is a martial art, and all
    of the arts require focus, mental preparation and the winning attitude to

    he thought (just based viewing the fight, and having watched the replay)
    that this would be a walk in the park. He’s way better than that imo.
    Inconsistency by definition means: failure to repeat a (series of) proven
    application, so i must agree with the premise of the vid.

    Nice vid Barry!! thank you for the education!

  • Barry Robinson 1 month ago