Tag: Extreme
Extreme Sport – tube mono skiing – Riding down an Ice tube with a mono Ski and jump
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Extreme Sport - tube mono skiing - Riding down an Ice tube with a mono Ski and jump extremely high with a snowboard at the sides... I made the video with the...
Skydive Béni-Mellal 2013 I Extreme Sport I Go Pro Edit
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Session Jump à Béni-Mellal avec Domitille Kiger des Kristal ! Vidéo: -Antoine -Domi -Gengis -Sixte -Clarys Musique : Teddybears - Cobrastyle Skrillex - Banga...
Extreme Sports HD | Discover Xtreme Sports 20
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Visit our Facebook page - http://www.facebook.com/DiscoverXtremeSports Discover Xtreme Sports is a new way of bringing the world of Extreme sports together i...
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Second Part of the GOLD GAMES 2012
Extreme Sport of Kitesurfing
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Email us at [email protected] for story suggestions. Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/kababayanla18. Follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.c...
best of extreme sport(HD)
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GRAVITY STYLE(OFFICIEL) / Extreme sport channel “LE TAIG SHOW”
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Extreme Body Suspension Base Jump
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Le Body Suspension Base Jump est un sport extrême qui consiste à sauter à l’élastique avec un parachute qui est attaché sur la peau du dos. Les crochets sont sous la peau et permettent de retenir l'homme lorsqu'il sau...
Extreme Sport – Extreme Trampoline Jumps – Jumping like hell with the Trampoline
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Extreme Sport - Extreme Trampoline Jumps - Jumping like hell with the Trampoline Very super extreme Trampoline jumper , pretty dangerous ! But MUST WATCH ! I...
MotoX – Motor Cross Through The Woods – Extreme Adventure
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Steven Shires Moto Cross Video - Featuring video and still integrated into this video. The video was taken in Rockbridge County Virginia.
Extreme Sports Motivation – Great Videos
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Extreme Sports , had been growing rapidly since its introduction. However, there has been little research done on extreme sport participants. In specific, th...
Extreme Sport Channel II
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Filler promocional del canal de deportes extremos Extreme Sport Channel Portugal. Realizado por Fran Verde.
Action and Extreme Sport Crashes, Bails, Fail – Best of Compilation – October 2013
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Check out the gnarliest, hardest, painful crashes and bails from this months action- and extreme sport scene from october. Music: Stomping Bango Track - Andy...
Capoeira Paris – Sport Extreme – Acrobaties de Capoeira Jogaki
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http://www.paris-capoeira.fr Jogaki Capoeira Paris - Cours de Capoeira 23, rue du départ 75014 paris Avec l'essor de la capoeira, le Brésil a vu apparaître de nombreux groupes partout sur le territoire. Les années 70...
Extreme Sports At It’s Best, As Well As It’s Worst
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A Bunch of S**t I Won't Be Doing The song is a mix of several orchestras and choirs well put together by: - http://www.youtube.com/user/DragonstarDT I will p...
Extreme Sport Sziget 2005., extreme sport island
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Extreme sport sziget 2005., Budapest - zene: Alvin és a Mókusok: Most jön a bukfenc (Mi ilyenkor szoktunk sírni!, 2006) - képek: Extrém Koktél,(2005, sport 1)
Extreme Sports Best Of the Week #30 : Ski, MTB, Waterski, Motor, Skate, Kitesurf, Rally, Sexy
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Watch this "best of the week" video edited by Riders Match in partnership with Yahoo! Sports, featuring the best action sports footage published from Octobober 16 to 23 2013. More Action Sports videos on http://www.f...
redbull extreme sports video clip
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I do not own this music or all the video witch are used in. First realisation by our little prod enjoy it. Nous ne sommes pas detenteur des droits de la musi...
Endurance The Equestrian Extreme Sport
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A video about the Sport of endurance.
Extreme sport hd- N°1- VTT -free ride
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Notre ami John mayer Nous invite à une petite leçon de free ride ,VTT extrême , Un truc de ouf .
Extreme sport of rope jumping hits big screen
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Leaping off bridges is not one of your regular sports. But this is exactly what gives rope jumpers their sought-after thrills. 'The Rope' documentary premier...
Most extreme jump stunts ever – Extreme sport
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Awesome compilation of the most extreme jumps!
Skydiving Extreme Sport Club – Beautiful Emotional Soundtrack
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This motion skydiving had been taken at Segamat Drop Zone with Malaysia Instructor namely Jidin and Korean Instructor Hwang. This film was starring by S.K.I....
New Extreme Sport: Trampoline Wall. Christophe Hamel Demo 2012.mov
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Trampoline wall and teeterboard Demo. Here is a video of my new circus company Flip FabriQue For any further infor.
Extreme Sports Best Of The Week #22 : Teahupoo, Kayak, Motocross, Highline, Wake, Bmx, Ski, Skate
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Watch this "best of the week" video edited by Riders Match in partnership with Yahoo! Sports, featuring the best action sports footage published from August ...
New Zealand Fight Report: Eddy Lee on Extreme F-1: December 1st 2012, Auckland
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NZFR catches up with Eddy Lee to talk about the next Extreme F-1 Series Event this weekend. Ticket and fight card available at http://www.facebook.com/pages/...
Moto Road Racing. The most extreme sport. Мото гонки
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Motorcycle race crashes can occur in professional and street situations alike. In any motorcycling situation the risk of accidents increases as speed, alcoho...
Extreme Sport fail compilation!
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hope you guys like to see ppl getting hurt xD.
Cliff Jumping, Portland Bill: Extreme sport Tombstoning danger
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Tombstoning - or is it the age-old sport of cliff-jumping? This is Pulpit Rock. Portland Bill, Dorset where the sea can be treacherous. Dangerous, as underse...
Rochester Parkour; Extreme Sport Building a Community
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Rochester Parkour is a gym located in the 19th Ward of downtown Rochester at the Lincoln Business and Sports Park. Rochester Parkour offers classes for peopl...
Hawaii – Jet Surf – New Extreme Sport – 2013
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Kai Lenny & Pato Teixeira invite you to discover a Jet Surf session, its first test in the powerful waves of Hawaii. Subscribe here for X-Treme Videos: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Find out about this...
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BBC News ‘Horse boarding’ Extreme sport in the countryside
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Footage filmed at the National Horse Boarding Centre Near Wolverhampton. Please contact us for more details or view . www.extremehorseridingassociation.com.
Extreme Sport Crash Video
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All types of crashes from every extreme sport including bmx freestyle motocross skateboarding wakeboarding trophy trucks x games and much more.
Extreme sport – Yamaha jet ski
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Extreme water sport with Yamaha waverunner jet ski.
Extreme Sports Best Of the Week #27 : Quiksilver Pro, surf, ski, BMX, snowboard, longboard, …
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Watch this "best of the week" video edited by Riders Match in partnership with Yahoo! Sports, featuring the best action sports footage published from September 27th to October 4th 2013. More Action Sports videos on ...
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MEN ARE AMAZING glider,extreme sport,extreme sports fail,sports,extreme,xtreme,extreme sports.
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Les meilleures vidéos de sport les plus impressionnantes, regroupées en un montage sensationnel !
Best Of Extreme Freestyle Sport Compilation 2012 (Ski,BMX,Snowboard etc.)
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Ich würde mich über ein nettes Kommentar und ein Daumen hoch für die harte Arbeit freuen und bitte auf Facebook... Teilen ! Wenn ihr mehr solche Videos wollt...
Epic Fail Compilation – Extreme Sports Edition
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Best Fail Mix of the Year - Extreme Sports Edition.
Extreme female Boxing Clip
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ReAl GirL cAtFiGhTz @ http://bit.ly/bBm1nO CheCk OuT LiNk FoR NuDe AnD HiGh QuAliTy CaTFiGhTs.
Extreme Sports Best Of The Week #26 : Crossover, Snowboard, BMX, Skate, Roller, MTB, Surf, FMX, Wakeboard, Sailing
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Watch this "best of the week" video edited by Riders Match in partnership with Yahoo! Sports, featuring the best action sports footage published from September 18 to 25 2013. More Action Sports videos on http://www.f...
[extreme] sport wing
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Sory for the bad quality, and thanks Tim for filming. Flying the [extreme] sport wing. For more information : http://www.tobias-schlegel.de/?p=368.
AWESOME HD GOPRO HERO3 2013 – Extreme Sports 2013
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Shot 100% on the new HD HERO3® camera from http://GoPro.com. The HD HERO3 is the most advanced GoPro camera 2013, yet. To celebrate its release, we traveled...
windsurf extreme sport
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www.lesmouss.com Channel TV : Dailymotion/lesmouss Benoit Sylvain Cyril Moussilmani.
Netherlands’ Oldest Extreme Sport – Red Bull Fierste Ljepper
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With a longer jumping stick, a higher slope to jump off and deeper water in the centre of the country, Red Bull will be taking a look at the history and the ...
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Sport Union with epithet extreme athlete as wordy sо aeronautic, water and underwater sports.
Extreme Sport: Underground mountain bike race in Budapest
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Extreme Sport: Underground mountain bike race in Budapest In the past year, an underground mountain bike race has become a huge success in Budapest. The cour...
Jet Surf Le nouveau sport extrème avec Kai Lenny à Hawaii
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Voici le Jetsurf, un nouveau sport mécanique et aquatique pour jouer à saute-mouton sur des vagues. Un véritable mélange entre un jet et un surf. Le JetSurf est une planche conçue par Marta Sula, un ingénieur tchèque ...
Extreme Sport Compilation
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base jump extreme sport bosco
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Ultimate Extreme Sport: Running a Vertical Mile
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20 elite athletes climb the Carew Tower in Cincinnati over 10 times to reach one vertical mile. Over 500 participate in the event in some manner, but only 20...
Kitewing 2006 Extreme Sport Video
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Kitewing 2006 Extreme Sport Video. Promotional video from Kitewing Sports.